03 March 2010

Mira Schor: The Art of Nonconformist Criticality

Mira Schor: The Art of Nonconformist Criticality

Spend two hours thinking.

From 2006. Wonderful talk about-
the delay between initial thought and implementation
repetition from artists
what makes something feminist art

More than just that. Go on then! Download it and have a drink while you listen.

Sleng Teng 25th anniversary

Feb 23, 1985. Reggae became digital.

Except preforming it as an acoustic version makes it even more awesomer.

Thank you to Wayne Smith.

01 March 2010

astro boy.

It seems we need to update the Astro Boy myth every 20 years. Each time we focus on another section of the story and change the presentation significantly. So we must be 10 years or so from the next iteration.

The quick observations: it becomes less silly symphony with each version. The relationship between scientist and son becomes psychoanalytical in the 80's and secondary in the 00's. Why the professor's hair was black in the two early videos I don't know. In the books he has white hair. Last, the message of robots and people living together in equality morphs significantly between the three.